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Bangalore's best Steak 'n' Sizzlers

When you think of Steaks, Sizzlers, and Continental food, there are quite a few options in Bangalore to choose from.....

At Millers 46, Deirdre feels "Nothing beats the steak there, and trust the guy taking your order to suggest the right consistency for your taste.

Aithal swears that the Finger chips with a spicy & tangy flavor & chicken shots is fabulous at The Grill House.

Yogini has been going to The Only Place since she was little and followed it through all its relocation's and remodels! and think it's Still "The Only Place.

Ruth's plate "The sizzler did not really sizzle and smoke the way it was supposed to" at Cafe Y, but the Ham Roll her husband had was Yumm..!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bangalore sure does....!!!!
Tiffany's, Casa Del Sol, Flambe, IndiJoe are great options too..!!!