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Archie chooses his bride!!

This might not have anything to do with all that we usually cover on, but news this big does deserve a place on our blog. Many of us in our thirties spent a great many years following the oh so envious adventures of Arhcie and his friends, Jughead, Veronica and Betty. In Archie world Veronica was the epitome of beauty and all that woman should be while Betty with her girl next-door goodlooks, intelligence and wit was the best platonic girlfriend you could have. Yet, the books always kept you guessing, who would Archie end up with?
Well it seems that question is about to be answered. Archie comics publisher announced that Archie is getting married and now the media is all abuzz.

Who does Archie choose? Veronica or Betty?

Well read no further if you rather wait for the issue on stand this September.
Unfortunately or fortunately all indications are that Archie picks the one he has been vying for his entire elongated teenage life - Veronica!!!
Here's to the new couple!

As for Jughead and Betty, there no suggestion that they might actually pair up. Jughead remains preoccupied with feeding his hunger. Hey, there you go, a Grubhogs connection. Jughead could sure use us!

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